Yin is in

12:50:00 PM

Insomnia, poor eating habits, mood disorders, digital addiction...

Sound familiar? You or someone you know probably struggles with one or more of these debilitating conditions. What in the world is happening to us?

Enter Yin Yoga: the mental and physical reset our bodies are craving.

I believe yoga is fundamentally divisible into two types: the yoga that we want and the yoga that we need.

  • NEED: If you are like me and have a tendency to spend your day in fight or flight mode, are constantly drawn to stimulation, and tend to build protective barriers around your heart/emotions, Yin is the yoga that you NEED. And it will be the most challenging class of the week.

  • WANT: If your vices are stagnation, procrastination and wearing your heart on your sleeve (not always a vice), then Yin Yoga will be a real treat for you.
Typically, a Yin Yoga class is cooling, calm and quiet. You learn fundamentals of meditation and yeah, you work the connective tissues of your body to promote comfortable aging. Your teacher won't talk much and he/she won't touch you much. It certainly is not the thumping, sweaty warrior yoga of the crowded vinyasa/power class.

You WILL learn how to be still. You learn how to be away from your phone and your TV. You learn how to listen to what your mind, body and spirit are trying to tell you. You learn to tame the chatter of an overstimulated mind. You learn how to cultivate joy using nothing but yourself and time.

For some of you, it is akin to a Sunday afternoon nap in a sunny window.  You might have to fight falling asleep during class, but the atmosphere jives with you. You will leave feeling rested and rejuvenated. For the rest of us, however, we leave class exhausted from breaking the mental barriers and habits that we've subconsciously built over the years. During class, we twitch and cry. We might get up and leave because we can't take it anymore.

It's a very, very powerful tool in the quest for wellness. It's something you need to try.

Join me Wednesdays and Sundays for Yin Yoga at Bend the Bridge Yoga in Pittsburgh. Reserve your spot here and let's rediscover the art of stillness.

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