About Me

10:37:00 AM

Thanks for finding my page!

My name is Annie Lloyd. Born and raised in Youngstown, Ohio, I spent my 20's living on both coasts of the country, building my family and finding my dharma in the most reputable yoga teacher training program in Southern California, only to make my way back to the Ohio/Pennsylvania border in 2016.

Yoga has been the pivotal practice that has helped me restore the joy I had growing up in the Rust Belt. There's nothing more fulfilling for me than helping others restore the joy that is often lost during the chaos of adulthood.

You can learn more about my classes/training here.

As you've probably seen, Western medicine is now just realizing the benefits of the mind/body connection. The benefits of yoga are limitless.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to find a yoga teacher in the United States that introduces the elements of yoga that go beyond just the asanas (postures). Even then, many practitioners are not practicing with awareness or understanding of the breath, the space that is being created in the body, and the meditative mind. The yogis of the East know there is so much more to the discipline. The Yoga Sutras tell us that the meaning of life is to cultivate sustained joy for ourselves.  Asanas are a great way to introduce this concept, but we MUST go beyond this.

I would love to introduce to you the tools and concepts that have been life-changing for me through a class. I will be running specials in the next year in an effort to introduce myself to the area, including free classes.

Let's start your personalized journey together. Pop me a message and let's chat about where you are and where you want to go.

Email: af271303@gmail.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lloydannie/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annielfrank
Text or call: 330-881-5289

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